Chapter 7
7 Visualization of the Network

Toggles visibility of nodes. Primarily a visualization tool
Node visibility
V2: maybe this should be an option for a type of network in
the ‘create’ step

Global node visibility toggle
Node scaling
Defines the size of nodes by a particular calculated
property or custom value
Changes the range of the node scale size
Defines the colors of nodes by a particular calculated
property or custom value
Colors are defined as a ramp between N node property values
gradienting in between the two
Defines what content is shown in the node label
Node labels can be sized based on a property as well
V2: node labels needs an on/off visibility toggle
Add a drop shadow to node
Edge Scaling
Set a width on edges or scale them by a property
Set opacity of Edges
Color the edges based on a calculated property
Not sure why gradient v. uniform option is on the left side
edit bar. It should be put in this section
Smooth vs continuous
Background color
Ability to choose a color on background or upload an image
Upload image as background